Pickup truck owners get things done. When you need to hit the road with your mobility device, a Bruno scooter, wheelchair or powerchair lift for your truck is the right tool for the job. Choose from lifts that stow your mobility device in the truck bed or behind your truck. Get ready to pick up and go!
CURB-SIDER (Most Popular)
Benefit from Bruno's compact Curb-Sider. Bruno's dependable hoist-style lift for scooters and powerchairs, the Curb-Sider's space-efficient design lets you keep third-row seating when a mobility device isn't present in most vehicles. Stand by the bumper, connect a docking device, push a button and the Curb-Sider lifts and stows your mobility device.
400 Lb Lift Capacity | 3-Year Limited Warranty | Made In USA
OUT-RIDER (Most Popular)
Use the wheelchair lift designed just for pickups. Connect the Out-Rider to your mobility device, and press the button to lift and rotate your wheelchair, scooter or powerchair into the truck bed.350 Lb Lift Capacity | 3-Year Limited Warranty | Made In USA
The Lift that Changes with Your Life. Bruno’s most popular exterior platform lift, the Out-Sider maintains all seating and cargo space. If you change mobility devices in the future, the Out-Sider can be easily adapted. It can also be transferred to another applicable vehicle. Add the “Swing-Away” option to access your cargo area.
350 Lb Lift Capacity | 3-Year Limited Warranty | Made In USA
Count on Bruno's Big-Lifter affordable reliability. Press a button and the hoist-style lift raises your scooter or powerchair. Manually rotate and guide your mobility device into your vehicle, and you're ready to go.
400 Lb Lift Capacity | 3-Year Limited Warranty | Made In USA